tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN December 8, 2017 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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good evening, president trump is expected to take the stage any moment now at the bay center in pensicola, florida. the event is billed as a make america great rally. however in everything but name it's expected to be a make moore senator. moore has been accused of abuse and assault he defies it. the rally is taking place on the border with alabama in a tv market shared with mobile. thousands of alabamaens could see it live and on the local news. if there were doubt about why it's happening four days before the election in blam. before leaving washington the president poet add tweet end wg vote for roy moore. and it began with silence on moore when the sex abuse and assault allegations hit. silence because there was concern by endeersing the more the sexual assault claims against the president would resurface. but that caution was abandoned
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because the president began defending moore's denials. soon after that mr. trump reportedly expressing doubt to confidantes about the accusers of moore. in the midst of this the president's daughter by the way said there was a quote special place in hell for people who prey on children. that clearly didn't stop the president from landing where he did today full throated acceptance. vote roy moore he tweeted. tonight the rally also ahead an interview you'll see here. the new voice coming toward confirming one of the central accusers account against roy moore. later new reporting tonight that the fbi warned close trump campaign adviser hope hicks about email price russian operatives. we begin with katlyn colin with the president in pensicola. what can we expect. >> reporter: well anderson, the rallies is where the president is his most authentic seven. and he rarely sticks to the script and often ignores the teleprompter.
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we expect that ton. the white house has maintained time and time again that the president will not come to alabama to campaign for senate candidate roy moore. but he is getting about as close as you can get. we are a hop skip and jump away from the alabama state line. and if the president shout four-door that stage tonight you could probably hear it in mobile. the white house has also maintained the president finds the allegations made against moore extremely troubling. and they repeated that same argument tonight as they flew here to pensicola. >> as he has said as the white house has said, we find the allegations to be troubling and concerning. and they should be taken seriously. but moore has also maintained that the allegations aren't true. that should be taken into account. ultimately the endorsement is about the issues and how he has articulated -- he doesn't want to see alabama elect a -- you know a nancy pelosi, chuck
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schumer puppet wrong on the issues and not support the agenda. >> reporter: now anderson, with we know privately sources say the president actually doubts the women who accused roy moore of sexual assault. he publicly asked why they waited so long to come forward with the accusations. we also know that the president has compared this situation to his own last year during the presidential election when he himself was accused of sexual assault. now, roy moore will not nb this room tonight. but i've already spoken with a number of people here tonight who are alabama residents. ner voting in the election on tuesday. and we know that the moore campaign, anderson is actively encouraging their supporters to attend this rally in pensicola tonight. >> and katlyn, one of roy moore's accusers spoke out what did she say. >> beverly nelson is a woman who says when she was 16 years old that roy moore tried to grope her and squeezed her neck. today at a press conference she was talking about that year book. roy moore signed her year book
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she says and that's something that a lot of her critics and his supporters have said is a forgery. her attorney says a handwriting expert has determined that the signature is roy moore's but what really people seized upon today was beverly nelson saying that she did add the date and the location underneath that inscription. she maintained he sign the year book and maintains the allegations she made against him are true but that his campaign and supporters have seized upon that and saying it's a forgery and she admitted she was lying which she did not, anderson. but we have certainly seen that come out of that. and she says although she voted for donald trump she believes that the president is now putting party over the allegations, anderson. >> all right. katlyn collins thanks much. joining sus david berg geringen. gloria boringer and bill brit. >> david, president trump going in for roy moore. do you believe his presidency is going to have an impact on the
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race. >> yes i think it might. i think they went in with the expectation that if they could rally people in pensicola --s in trump country that he is in. he'll have a very excited positive crowd there with him tonight. that will rub off in a sense that they have momentum. he is making ale calculation. his team is making a political calculation. but you know whether it's enough to pull the victory out i don't know. but it's clear will i -- i think he is taking a great risk to the party itself with the democrats like al franken going downen a then going and endorsing roy moore in the midst of all of these accusations by a lot of women, that he is a pedophile and was a spreader to and sharpens difference. >> bill you know alabama politics well it's where you work and focus on. what kbookt impact do you think the president will have.
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>> well the president is very popular here in alabama. and pensicola might as well be south alabama for all intents and purposes. he is very popular when he came here for luther strange it moved the needle a little bit but not enough. this will help roy moore because it gives those people that are on the fence a reason to vote for moore. >> gloria, i mean if this be -- might as well be alabama as bill was just saying why not go to alabama? when they announced this trip president trump hadn't fully endorsed moore but he has now. >> he has now. on november 27th the white house said the president was too busy, that he wasn't going to go to alabama, and now of course they have change their minds. they're being kind of cute and you know they're in pensicola, which is as you guys pointed out is exactly the same thing. i think the president now thinks that roy moore has a really good shot at winning.
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and he thinks that the seat is worth more than just about anything. including the republican party and the question of how the republican party survives generally having embraced -- having a president who embraces roy moore given the sexual questions that are confronting him. and so i think trump decided himself to go- to go all in on this even though it's right across the border. >> bill when you and i spoke last time on the show you were saying you heard from some republicans in alabama who were going to sit it out, who didn't support roy moore, they weren't going to vote for a democrat, they were going to sit on the sidelines, not go out to vote. i'm wondering, do you think the president being all in, that that will influence any republicans who might have previously decided to sit it out. >> i think it does. you know, roy moore has always been a polarizing figure in
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alabama. he is not what we would call main stream republican here. although he has been a republican most of his career. donald trump, again, i will reiterate he is very popular. there are republicans we have spoken to some in leadership throughout the state that say look i don't want to vote for moore. they're not voting for a democrat. so this gives them a reason to get up and go out on december 12th and vote because they're saying the president is behind him i'm behind the president. >> this is about turnout. usually these kinds of elections don't get a lot of people motivated to go out and vote. that's one ning i think donald trump can do. but i got to tell you there was a knox news poll in mid-november which had donald trump's favorable and unfavorable almost split in the state which kind of surprised me. >> david, i mean it's not just donald trump who is all in with roy moore. the rnc basically reversed themselves. they stopped funding.
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then when the president came out with the endorsement they started sending money back to roy moore. >> well that's absolutely right. what it underscores is the republican party is increasingly becoming the trump party. and it's leaving a lot of republicans uncomfortable, especially those from other kinds of states outside the south. but i think that gloria was absolutely right. he thinks getting the seat is worth it. what i do think is too cute by half is this notion well i'm not going to alabama but yet right to the border. and you know, i support roy moore, but i really think that we must take the accusations very seriously. i think his supporters don't mind that kind of trickery, you know but drives people like us crazy. because we see doctor shall well it's obviously shall did shall did you're obviously going to alabama country to make your speech. come on get over it. you're obviously endorsing this
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guy. even though you say -- you find it troublesome. >> gloryia go ahead. >> if he is in alabama he has to have a picture with roy moore. and because you can't go to the guy's state without the picture. the picture is going to be worth a lot of money to the democrats. so what he is doing is going to florida, because he said he wasn't going to alabama. he doesn't have to be with roy moore on stage. but the message is the same. and it gets across. >> and which will, what about doug jones? what about kind of the level of support you see? i mean obviously alabama should go to a republican in the senate race. the fact that it's close is very telling. what do you make of doug jones's chances? >> well, again, i've spoken to a lot of people, democrats, republicans, independents, people on the ground here in alabama, and while doug jones did something heroic 30 some years ago, he has not been a leading political figure in alabama at any point in recent memory.
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and so sadly i had to say today this was the democrat that was willing to lose to luther strange and then that didn't happen. we know what happened there. doug jones is a nice guy. he is a good liberal exact. and liberal democrats just don't win in alabama. but he has a real shot here. >> david gergen, gloria boringer, bill brit. we'll get a quick break in. also when we come back the gary tuckman a friend of leo corfman who tells a story that leo said to her about what she says happened with moore. later another report detailing russian efforts it seems to reach out to the trump campaign. confidante home hicks will tell you how seriously the fbi took it at the time. looking at my account, and i've got all this extra cash back. yep. that's your cashback match. only discover will automatically match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year. you matched everything i earned this year? yeah. whoo! more money! more money!
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president now on stage in pensicola florida. we'll be listening in bring you the highlights. in the meantime a new angle on the roy moore allegations. first we should say there are no simple generalations to be made about survivors of sexual abuse. each person experiences and processes it in his huss or her own which. everything they've gone through is only compounded when the account of the nightmare was questioned. in the case of roy moore's accusers loudly publicly and repeatedly. >> let's look at leigh corfman made some serious allegations against judge moore and yesterday in a softball
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interview on the today show. we reject them as false. and we maintain that judge moore did not know leigh corfman more has he ever known her. but what we find interesting is that her story has been told in only the vaguest of terms without deeper investigation by the media. if the liberal media were half as interested in investigating the accusations against judge moore as they are in scaring up 1980s era false gossip at the mall weld be getting to the bottom of this and moving on. we urge the press to do it's job. >> now under the heading ever the press doing its job we have this story tonight. gary tuckman located a friend of corfman who says she can corroborate her story and speaking out on camera the first time tonight. >> betsy rutin berg davis grau up in gadsen alabama the hometown of judge roy moore. >> this is me up here and almost directly below me in leigh here. >> leigh corfman the woman who
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says roy moore skaurly abused her as a 14-year-old, an allegation that moore denies. betsy davis is one of the two friends that corfman said she told at the time. >> leigh and i grew up together. i've known her since we were babies. >> she confided when she was 14 years old and you were 14 years old. >> what. >> she told me she snuck out of her house and went on a date with roy moore and he sexually assaulted her. >> after she told you this what was your understanding of who roy moore was in the community? what did you think he was. >> he was a big lawyer. he was a powerful guy. he was supposed to put criminals in jail. >> and did she tell you leigh, how old he was. >> i i knew he was older. yoend that she said he was 32 but i you knew he was more than twice her age. >> what did she tell you he did to her. >> i remember her saying he made a pallet on the floor maybe with
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blankets something like that. and i remember her saying that he came out of his room in nothing but tighty whiteys what we used to call jockey underwear. >> what happened then? >> they started to fool around. and he guided her to -- it's like he -- like he was trying to teach her what to do. and she didn't want any part of it. and she told him so. >> is it your memory that when she told you about it she was scared or didn't understand what was going on. >> i wouldn't use scared. but definitely creeped out. >> so when she told you this what did you say to her. >> i said you cannot see him again. this is not good. he is too old for you. you're too young for him. you've got your life ahead of you. you've got to go to college and you got to live your life. >> were you mature enough at 14
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to realize how debill tating psychologically mentally this could be for a 14-year-old child to be with a man over 30 years old. >> i don't think i understood that. but what my mother always said to me and drilled into my head was, you know, in terms of sex, men take what they want and it's always the woman's fault. and i knew that if she went down this path she was g going to be blamed. and she was the one that was going to be left. and it wasn't going to affect him at all. so i told her -- she was my friend. get out. this is no good. >> he was asking her to go out again? >> that's my understanding, yes. >> and she was asking you her advice how she should handle it. >> yeah. it was lake -- just, no. absolutely not. >> after she told you about in, what happened on the floor on this mattress oh or whatever it was did you discuss at all telling any adults your parents about what happened? >> i'm not sure that we
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discussed it. but i know we knew that we weren't going to tell anybody. >> why is that? >> we felt like we were equipped to handle it. we decided it wasn't a good idea, nobody wanted to get in trouble. and we didn't know if anybody would believe us. >> betsy davis and her husband charlie live in los angeles and are the parents of two boys. he says he has known about this for a long time. >> when did your wife first tell but this. >> shortly after i met my wife. i met leigh corfman on our visit to gadsen. from that time on i knew that she had had an incident. but i didn't know who roy moore was in the beginning. but that came out over time. >> how many years ago was that that you first found out. >> 19 years. >> betsy davis says she is a democrat but. >> i'm not here to tear roy moore down i'm here to hold my friend zblup regarding unproven allegation that is women speaking out against roy moore are doing it for money. >> has anyone paid you to talk to us any democrats. >> god no. >> any members of the media.
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>> no. >> any establishment republicans. >> noen aran. and i cannot tell you how many phone calls i have declined. how many messages i haven't returned. >> why are you talking to us now. >> because at the end of the day i need to set example for my kids. and one of those examples is to stand up for the truth and to stand up for my friend. >> gary tuckman joins us now. betsy davis says she has known about this for four decade. has she considered speaking publicly what she knew prior to the "washington post" article. >> what betsy davis tells me is that as roy moore has gotten publicly prominent she has felt a ethical obligation to speak out but leigh wasn't ready. she realized with her speaking out with aanonymous victim it wasn't good. but when she announced running for the senate seat. he says he has to speak out. he talked to a closely family friend who said don't it's not your story.
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>> when leigh spoke out she realized it was time for her to speak out. >> back with bill brit. bill, at this point in alabama, look the election is on tuesday. do you think people's minds are made up no matter who at this point this woman an old friend of leigh corfman, no matter who comes forward. >> i think at this point you're probably right. minds are fairly set. one more corroboration, you know i think it helps those who are sitting on the fence. it may help them make a decision. but i think at this point the die is cast. we'll know sometime around probably 9:00 your time what's going to happen to the state of alabama and to roy moore and doug jones. >> you know, polls obviously show it's close. as we know in polls and sometimes where there is controversial candidates people don't want to say if they are voting for that person. do you think -- do you think -- do you think it's as close as it looks? or do you think roy moore is -- has good lead?
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>> i've talked to some folks a lot smarter than me. and they say it's within the margin of error the way they see it. however, we have also talked to people who have traveled the state. our reporters -- we got eight reporters on the ground. they have been going to republican meetings across the state. and they say that when you go to a republican meeting they're voting for moore. and the question is much like what gloria said, who gets up december 12th, right before the holidays and goes to vote. roy moore supporters are going to go vote. now he mass a die hard 30, 35%. they will get up hell or high water and go to the ballot and cast their vote for roy moore. so it's just too close to call gauging by polls. i mean, you know what we saw with president trump when he was running. i wouldn't predict right now if i had to. if you held a gun to my head i
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said say moore wins. >> it's interesting point you make about the enthusiasm, who has more enthusiasm on their side? and i guess the question is as you say, roy moore supporters are -- are enthusiastic and die hard in believes for him, about 35% or so and they're going out to vote. the question is, is there enthusiasm on the other side, a, for doug jones or enough enthusiasm against roy moore? >> i don't think there is that great enthusiasm for doug jones. i mean, i like doug. but just like me, he is another aging white guy that you know somebody wants to go to washington. and so there is little enthusiasm. you know, we've got some powerful young, young progressives down here who if they were in this seat right now they'd probably kill him because there is enthusiasm. you look at what happened in birmingham with the new mayor there. look at selma and the mayor
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that's just turning that city around. i mean we have some great leaders coming out of the south. they just didn't get the shot because they didn't want to take it against probably losing no one knew this was coming. >> bill brit thanks very much. more from our own political panel process jack kingston, terra appear the fact that one of the accusers admitted to altering the year book entry she said he signed process adding the date and location where he signed it. how damaging do you think is that to her credibility if you think it is. >> well i think it just gives fuel for the roy moore supporters and those a that scream fake news. it's -- it's part of the echo chamber of people down there. i don't think it's going to change. those who were already suspicious of roy moore. it emboldens those who were behind him it doesn't change the content of the message or that he signed the year book, signed it love roy.
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i wish she would have disclosed at the time that she had added the date and the location. i don't think that's an -- an unreasonable annotation to add to a year book signing like that so you have it contemporaneously at the time or whenever she did it so she could remember. but unfortunately given the big deal that was made and the very emotional press conference that she had when describing it, i think it -- you know, it just -- it would have been better if they would have admitted it at the time. but i don't think it's going to change the needled either way. it's just giving fodder to the side that is already in roy moore's corner unfortunately. >> brian, to terra's point, if she is telling the truth, it's kind of a huge oversight for her. but especially for her attorney gloria allred not to have raised that initially and just said the other stuff was added in. because any time you make a statement and then you have to come back a second time and kind of alter the original statement you made it just doesn't help
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your credibility. >> agreed. that's the unfortunate reality. i agree with everything tarra said. it doesn't discredit her account in my eyes but it's certainly used as fuel for roy moore's supporters who operate in complete bad faith. another thing that roy moore supporters and donald trump potterers will probably say should moore prevails in the election. they'll say the issue was aired, litigated in the course of the campaign. the voters in alabama have spoken and now he is going to take his rightful seat in the senate. i'll make a prediction i don't think that's the case. even if he should win on tuesday can be be -- i don't know how close it is. but should he win i think he'll come to washington and he will be a walking talking pr disaster for the republican party. he will be stopped in the halls of the senate day after day. he will be a walking controversy every day. the republican senators that have taken positions in the course of the campaign saying he doesn't belong in the senate and that there should be a an ethics committee process if he gets
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here will be held to thatward. he is a nut job. even before the allegations came to light he said that people like keith ellefson shouldn't be in congress because we shouldn't have muslim americans in congress. this week he said the united states was at its best during the shavery period. he will add fuel to the fire. this is a nightmare for the republican party. he should be held to account and tuesday should not be the final word on roy moore as a senator. >> jack, i know you campaigned for his opponent -- his opponent luther strange who did not win. roy moore did win in the primary. do you think it's going to have ramifications for the republican party assuming he wins. >> i think it will. i think brian is right. there is going to be kind of a double gift. he is a gift to the democrats as a candidate because he is certainly a flawed candidate. but i think he would abgift if he got elected. i'm speaking politicly here. but you know if i was the democrat party i would say oh do you think he has a right to agree to the head of state?
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does he have a right to vote on this bill that has children rights or women's rights. the democrats won't let it go. i don't think republicans would either if the shoe was on the other foot. i do want to say something, though, i spoke to people from alabama they agree with what bill just said. in their opinions the polls aren't necessarily telling the story. the polls are showing a really strong win for roy moore at this time. but there are a lot of discerning people having second thoughts about it. the one of the factors out there is that mr. jones is on the tv non-stop. although the republican party has lately put in money. it was a total of $$170,000. i think jones is outspend being him three or four to one. it looks like ohio or florida and a presidential election, a swing state with all the ads that jones is able to run. so i don't know. you know if the rural voters get out it's helping moore. but we're not certain what that
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intensity is. >> right we're taking a quick break. brian fallon mentioned some of the other things that roy moore said that were controversial. also on "the new york times" on the warning the fbi gave hope hicks earlier this year about russian operatives. crohn's disease. you're more than just a bathroom disease. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults
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it gets you wifi here, here, and here. it even lets you take a time out. no! no! yes! yes, indeed. amazing speed, coverage and control. all with an xfi gateway. find your awesome, and change the way you wifi. the president talking tonight in pensicola, right by the alabama border, pointing to improvement in the economy, good numbers on jobs today certainly. also railing against the media, the washington swamp. so far nothing yet about roy moore. just four days from the u.s. senate race in alabama.
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the president endorsed the republican coneder. he tweeted vote roy moore. pass a reminder before the sexual assault allegations against roy moore. he probably held a number of controversial positions in march 2005. he said homosexual conduct shb illegal and equate to do to bestiality. he suggested 9/11 because the u.s. distanced itself from good. you know we've suffered a lot in the countries maybe because we've distanced from ourselves from the hand of one who has it to heal this hand land. and whether president obama was born in the united states. my personal belief he wasn't but that's over and done in a few days unless we get something else to come along. in december 2006 moore argued the first muslim elected to congress keith ellefson shun be sworn into office using the the koran. he wrote quote in 1943 he wouldn't have allowed a member of congress to take the oath on mine camp fmt.
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thp in past august 14th he told a reporter quote there are communities unsharia law right now in our country. also this, this august he told a reporter that president reagan's description of the soviet union as the focused of evil in the modern world could be plooitd to america today because we promote a lot of bad things like same sex merge. finally on september 17th in response to a question from african-american at a rally moore said he thought the last time america was great was quote at the time when families were united even though we had slavery they cared for one another. moore added our flams were strong our country had a direction. back with the panel. you know jack it's interesting given all moore has said and again you were campaign for luther strange you're not out front for roy moore. but given all that he said is doesn't seem -- he has sort of stayed away from other than that comment about slavery he has stayed away from repeating any of those statements, it seems like in recent months.
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and every time -- did when we had a spokes woman on the other day she either wasn't willing to or was unto say whether he stood by the statements. >> you know, it was interesting -- i saw your interview with her. and i was wondering does she not know or is she staying on message by not saying anything at all? and one of the things that strikes me on the statements is i think most politicians would love to catch their opponent saying outrageous things and just pound them over and over again. i don't think jones has done that. i think jones should have been developing this thing and say, look, you have this guy has pedophile issues. but beyond that let me talk to you about some other things. and i don't think jones developed the way he could. and instead i think what has happened is moore stuck with this is about supreme court judges. this is about pro live versus prochoice. pro gun versus anti-gun.
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and i think that unfortunately that's the home turf for alabama voters. and jones did not pull them into the other area which i think he should have done and been working on it a month ago. >> you know, brian if roy moore wins in tuesday is it par docksically a victory for democrats or something that helps democrats something they hang their hat on? because one could see how it's political fodder for them through the mid-terms if not the presidential election. at some point there is a photograph with president trump with roy moore becomes a senator there is a president for them together. >> i think i speak for democrats when i say i'd rather win the election on tuesday and have a democratic senator in mr. jones nan try to score the longer term victory by allowing roy moore to ascend to the u.s. senate seat. should he win and get to washington i think the democrats will be on strong footing in arguing that this is the main
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streaming of trump's wing of the republican party taking over the gop. this is not your father's republican party anymore. and a lot of the statements and most controversial things that have come out of roy moore are really a lot of trump's positions just taken to the logical extreme. when donald trump goes out and campaigns on a muslim ban preventing muslims from entering the country and trying to stoke that islamaphobia in the united states. when roy moore is unabashed and says they he doesn't think they should be allowed to serve in the united states congress. it's quite easy for a democrats to campaign and even republican leaning districts in orange county, california, in the outer ring suburbing outside philadelphia, in suburban new jersey, where a lot of the republicans are in moderate districts, and say that are you going to vote to put republican back into congress so they can carry out the trump roy moore agenda. ? that will be a credible line of attack. it will ring true to republican and moderate leaning vote
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zbleers tarra are you surprised the extent to which the president went all in on roy moore. he was overseas when the allegations first surfaced. his people said he was focused on the trump overseas. wasn't read in on all the stuff going on. but once he came back and time went by he became more focused on it, and ultimately is all in on moore. >> i think they are waiting to see whether roy moore push back. whether he had a credible defense. which most people outside of alabama and the white house felt as though he has not. but we have to step back and take a look at this. am i surprised that trump ended up endorsing him? no. because if donald trump criticized roy moore for what he is accused of how he is handling it then that would be inherently be hypocritical on his point because of the ac zakss against him. it would be a tacit concession.
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there was no way trump was going to condemn roy moore because it could be turned around on him. let's think about that. right now we have someone who is a lying luna a tick, credibly accused child pmt redator with the endorsement of the president of the united states and the republican national committee. this is a sad day for not only america but for the republican party. and no matter what happens on tuesday whether roy moore wins or not, the stain of in will be on the republicans you know cloth for a long time. and it's not a win for anyone. and the republican party needs to seriously take a look at itself and determine what kind of party we want to be. because i can already see the ads in 2018. every democrat can associate republicans with the roy moore -- with roy moore and what are we going z to say what moral high ground do we have. >> what will also happen is we'll resurrect all the crazy
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things a lot of your candidates vast said. >> who is candidates. >> she is a republican. >> i'm a republican jack what are you talking about. >> yeah you forgot because conservatives a republicans lost fricken minds. >> i know houfl how you feel about the parties both parties have their extreme candidates. i would not just say that the lying lun a tick fringe belongs to anybody. >> right now the democrats don't have a kmield predato rf at least they've taken the high ground and gotten rid of theirs. >> only because they had had tarra only because they had to. >> at least they did tp better late than never. right now republicans are at never. >> conyers was a icon. >> jack kingston, brian fallon when we come back the breaking news from "the new york times" about one of the top adviser hope hicks what warning the fbi gave her about russian operations trying to contact her. next.
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we're getting word ton that the fbi warned president trump's communication director hope hicks about russian operatives who tried to make contact with her. this is reporting from "the new york times." cnn correspondent jessica snyder joins with us more. >> this was earlier this year and senior fbi officials they cautioned hope hicks about several introductory emails she received after the election from
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russian government email addresses. now fbi agents they met with hope hicks twice inside the situation room at the white house. and they told her that these emails they weren't what they seemed. and they may have been a part of a russian intelligence operation. all that have is according to the "new york times." this was a very specific warning. and it show that is law enforcement was really alarmed that the russians were still trying to establish contacts with the trump team even after the election. and anderson we know that hope hicks -- she disclosed her meeting was the fbi, the white house counsel don mcgann and she met with the robert mueller team today and yesterday as part of the russia probe. >> what more are you learning about the case against paul manafort and rick gates. >> well prosecutors now disclosing all findings here. they have 400,000 documents in this case against manafort, against gates. they include financial records, emails, and they've labelled two thousand of the documents as quote hot, meaning they may be
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particularly relevant. the government also is disclosing has 36 electronic devices. those received from paul manafort's home. and investigators in the case have issued in total 15 search warrants. and anderson this part is interesting. in the court filings today the government referenced that manafort and gates -- they have given deposition testimony in another matter but prosecutors -- they aren't saying exactly what that means. but this case is moving full steam ahead. the next status hearing for manafort and gates, anderson it's monday. >> jessica, thank you. . michael zeldin is joining me robert mueller's special assistant at the the justice department. and chief political analyst gloria borger. according to the report by "the new york times," the fbi briefed hope hicks about the efforts by russian operatives to contact her. what does that tell you. >> it means the russians were as our intelligence agencies reported for months actively engaged with the trump campaign or endeavoring to engage with
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the trump campaign in order to sway the outcome of the election and also to, once they were elected to set -- help set policy and we see that in the flynn outreach around sanctions and the settlements in the -- in israel. and so it just proves in part that there was this outreach. i think our reporting is that we had twelve trump associates with contacts with russia during the campaign or transition. 19 face-to-face meetings, 51 communications between russians or russian representatives and campaign -- or transition officials. so it's a lot of contact here. and hope hicks is just another person who has been reached out to. we have to say of course that we have no indication that she did anything wrong. >> yeah. >> in fact we are told that she went to see don mcgann, the white house counsel to report
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the fbi briefings, not the communications themselves, but the briefings. so she may be have -- a good legal place to land. but i think, anderson, you can't deny that there was an outreach and in some respects there was a reach back by the campaign to these russians or russian surrogates. and it's something that mueller will have to figure out whether it was illegal and a conspiracy to impact the federal election commission. >> yeah. >> or not. >> gloria, i think michael's point is important to stress. nothing indicates that hicks did anything improper. it's clear though the russian operatives were trying to get as close as they could to the president by reaching out to one of his closest confidantes. >> sure. look. hope hicks was somebody in the campaign, in the transcription. and her office is right outside the oval office. she is close to the president. she is a confidante of the president. she is at the center of a lot of
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meetings. she is somebody who is a trusted adviser. i think that it might also indicate by the way how clumsy they are to be honest. i mean here they were trying to infiltrate through perhaps -- through people like george papadopoulos who has been called by people inside the campaign. and it seems to me that there was this kind of never ending effort to try and get inside. i think sending hope hicks e-mails is kind of a weird way to do it, as if she would respond in kind to these things, but we don't know. and again, as you point out, there's no indication she's done anything wrong, but there is an indication, at least according to the fbi, that she may have been a target of some russians trying to get some influence in this administration. to gloria's point, though, you wouldn't have expected donald trump jr. to entertain a
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call from wikileaks nor from ron goldstock to get a meeting on dirt. and so if that's the standard that's been set or if that's the level of the bar, then maybe they reach out to hope hicks to see whether she's in the don jr. camp or some other camp. >> right. >> michael, hope hicks was reportedly interviewed today and yesterday by mueller's team. i imagine they want to get to the bottom of who crafted the trump tower statement. since donald trump jr. told investigator that is he communicated with her and not the president about that response. >> that's right. in some sense, if all roads lead to rome, as the expression goes, in some sense, hope hicks is rome. so much stuff goes through her as the conduit between outsiders and the president that she really sits in a particularly important seat for mueller. with respect to the air force one memo, the testimony that junior just gave on the 6th of december was that as they were crafting the response to the
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june 9th meeting, he was communicating with hope hicks, who was communicating with his father, who was then communicating back to trump jr. and his lawyer so they can create a statement which, as it turned out, was not truthful. >> gloria borger, thank you. michael zeldin as well. coming up -- the latest on six large wildfires that are ripping through southern california. nearly 200,000 people that had to leave their homes so far. we'll get an update next. well, like most of you, i just bought a house. -oh! -very nice. now i'm turning into my dad. i text in full sentences. i refer to every child as chief. this hat was free. what am i supposed to do, not wear it? next thing you know, i'm telling strangers defense wins championships. -well, it does. -right? why is the door open? are we trying to air condition the whole neighborhood? at least i bundled home and auto on an internet website, progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto. i mean, why would i replace this? it's not broken.
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more than 5,000 firefighters are trying to get six large wildfires under control in southern california. the weather not expected to help matters this weekend, unfortunately. dry air, strong winds are in the forecast through sunday. fires have already forced nearly 200,000 people out of their homes. officials are saying everyone else in the region needs to be ready. even hundreds of thoroughbreds,
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some of them elite race horses, were caught up in the flames. these horses were set free from their barns so they could actually escape. trainers reported hearing the animals scream as they ran away. it's hard to imagine. sara sidner joins us live now with more on the firefight. what's happening where you are, sara? >> reporter: terrible images here. this is after the fire has burned through the city of ventura. this particular neighborhood hit so hard. i counted 20 homes around me that have been burned to the ground. there are 400 homes in this fire. homes and structures that have been destroyed. 85 that have been damaged. and we have certainly been hearing stories of people running literally for their lives trying to get out of the path of the fire. some people heeded the warnings. others decided to wait a bit, and that waiting very, very dangerous. but so far we have not gotten a single account of a fatality yet from fire officials. that is the good news, if you will. but for many of the folks here,
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they are just devastated, looking at their neighborhoods where house after house after house has been burned to the ground. i can give you some quick numbers. you talked about 5,000 fire personnel across southern california. 3,200 of that personnel is here in this county alone. 21 helicopters trying to douse these flames that are still raging, anderson. it is a scary sight when you see the flame rolling down the hills as it has been doing, going both down some hills and up others, getting very, very close to the city, for example, of ojai today. they were able to battle it back, but this has been extremely dangerous. and there is so much destruction, it will be a huge, costly figure once this is all done. >> can you talk to me about containment? how much of this fire is contained? >> reporter: only 10%. and that's the good news. they thought they were going to be dealing with a zero percent again because the santa ana
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winds have been so strong. but today those winds subsided a bit. but as you know, these fires, because they're so large and so incredibly powerful, they create their own weather systems that can just roll through areas. but they are still at just 10%. they think that this could burn through the end of december. something like the 24th, potentially right before christmas. >> that's just incredible. sara sidner, thanks very much. coming up, the latest from pensacola, florida where the president is speaking tonight at a campaign-style rally after endorsing accused sex offender roy moore for senate.
9:59 pm
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with humira, remission is possible. it has long been called storm of tiny bubbles, the champagne of beers. ♪ if you've got the time welcome to the high life. ♪ we've got the beer ♪ miller beer in this hour, president trump's campaign rally for roy moore in everything but name. pensacola, florida, just across the alabama state line, in the mobile, alabama tv market. just four days before the election. the president tweeting his support for the man several women have now accused of sexual abuse or sexual assault. allegations he, of course, denies, lending his support on stage as well. >> we cannot afford -- this country, the future of this country -- cannot afford to lose a seat in the very, very close united states senate. we can't afford it, folks. we can't.
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